Gabriele Leupold

Gabriele Leupold

Gabriele Leupold

translates literature from Russian into German. She has translated works by Osip Mandelstam, Mikhail Bakhtin, Yevgeni Kharitonov, Vladimir Sorokin, Boris Groys, Yuri Lotman, Mikhail Ryklin, Andrei Platonov and others. Leupold is also organizer of workshops and seminars for translators and students. In 2002, she received the Paul-Celan Prize for the translation of Andrei Bely’s novel Petersburg; in 2012, the Johann-Heinrich-Voß Prize for translating Varlam Shalamov´s Kolyma tales. Leupold has co-authored the video documentation about the work of translators, Spurwechsel. Ein Film vom Übersetzen in 2003. She is co-editor of two anthologies about language and translation, In Ketten tanzen. Übersetzen als interpretierende Kunst (2008) and Im Bergwerk der Sprache. Eine Geschichte des Deutschen in Episoden (2012). In 2017, Leupold was appointed member of the German Academy for Language and Literature.