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Multilingualism and Russia’s Ethnic Cultures through English, French, German, Russian and Other Languages

7 & 8 June, 2018, Herzen University, St. Petersburg


Multilingualism and Russia’s Ethnic Cultures through English, French, German, Russian and Other Languages

The conference is dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the St Petersburg School of Conference Interpreting and Translation, Herzen University, and will bring together leading Russian and international experts in the theory and practice of translation and interpreting, including scholars who explore how Russian culture is communicated in languages other than Russian (Russian culture-Oriented English/French/German, etc.).


Sergey Bogdanov

Sergey Bogdanov

Rector of Herzen University

Gennady Bordovsky

Gennady Bordovsky

President of Herzen University

Liudmila Verbitskaya

Liudmila Verbitskaya

President of the Russian Academy of Education

Andrey Maksimov

Andrey Maksimov

Chair of the Committee for Science and Higher Education, Government of St. Petersburg

Andrey Lopukhov

Andrey Lopukhov

Director of the Language Support Department, MFA of Russia

Vladimir Zapevalov

Vladimir Zapevalov

Representative of MFA of Russia in St. Petersburg

Shivona Tavares-Walsh

Shivona Tavares-Walsh

Chief, Division of Conference Services, UN Office at Nairobi

François Génisson

François Génisson

Inter-Institutional Relations, International Cooperation & Strategy Unit, Directorate-General for Interpretation, European Commission


1Registration08:45 - 09:25
2Opening PlenarySergey Bogdanov , Gennady Bordovsky , Liudmila Verbitskaya , Andrey Maksimov , Andrey Lopukhov , Vladimir Zapevalov , Shivona Tavares-Walsh , François Génisson , Yerzhan Kistafin 9.30 – 11.30
3Coffee Break11.30 – 12.00
4Plenary Session. Mirrors of Culture: Modern-day OpticsIrina Alexeeva , Viktor Kabakchi , Zoya Proshina 12.00 – 13.30
5Lunch13.30 – 14.30
6Session 1. International Languages as a Key to Understanding and Promoting Foreign CulturesAngelique Antonova , Alexandra Rivlina , Elena Beloglazova 14.30 – 16.00
7Coffee Break16.00 – 16.30
8Session 2. The Phenomenon of the Russian Soul: a Step ForwardPaul Lequesne , Catriona Kelly , Catherine Perrel 16.30 – 18.30
9Session 3. The Quality of Language in Communication and in Training of Translators and InterpretersIldikó Horváth , Ekaterina Shutova , Birgit Menzel 16.30 – 18.30
1Session 4. ‘Russian English’ as a Secondary Vehicle of Russians’ Cultural and Linguistic IdentityMaria Yelenevskaya , Ekaterina Lebedeva , Larissa Aronin 9.30 – 11.00
2Session 5. Russian as a Medium for Promoting Russia’s Ethnic CulturesYerzhan Kistafin , Natalya Chikina , Kseniya Egorova , Alina Nakhodkina 9.30 – 11.00
3Coffee Break11.00 – 11.30
4Session 6. Open Faces of Russian CultureGabriele Leupold , Rosemarie Tietze , Marina Koreneva 11.30 – 13.00
5Session 7. Facets of Russian Linguistic IdentityWilliam Hackett-Jones , Marina Platonova , Tatiana Smirnova , Ekaterina Pokholkova 11.30 – 13.00
6Lunch13.00 – 14.00
7Session 8. The Russian CollectionPeter McCarey , Paul Lequesne 14.00 – 15.00
8New Technologies in Translation TrainingDirk Verbeke 15.00 – 15.30
9Coffee Break15.30 – 16.00
10Closing Plenary (closing remarks by session moderators)Sergey Bogdanov , Shivona Tavares-Walsh , François Génisson , Paolo Torrigiani , Irina Alexeeva , Noel Muylle , Angelique Antonova , Viktor Kabakchi , Zoya Proshina , Maria Yelenevskaya , Kseniya Egorova , Oxana Yakimenko , Sergei Afonin , Sergey Filatov , Alexander Livergant 16.00 – 17.00
11Reception17.00 – 18.00

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